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A Guide to Fundraising Instruments for Startups

Startups have various options to raise capital, each with its pros and cons. Founders must assess their needs, growth strategies, and investor preferences to choose the right fundraising method aligned with their vision and long-term objectives.

Instrument 1: Straight Equity Financing

Straight equity financing is the simplest form of equity allocation, where each shareholder owns a percentage of the company based on the number of shares they hold. It involves raising capital through the sale of shares, effectively selling ownership of the company in return for cash. This form of financing does not require the company to make regular repayments and provides access to expertise and larger sums of money, but it can lead to the dilution of ownership, loss of control, and no tax benefits compared to debt financing.


  • No Repayment Obligations: Unlike debt financing, equity financing does not require the company to make regular repayments, which can be beneficial, especially for startups with uncertain cash flows.

  • Access to Expertise: Equity investors can provide valuable business expertise, resources, guidance, and contacts, which can be beneficial for the growth and success of the startup.

  • Larger Sums of Money: Equity financing allows startups to access larger sums of money, and they can approach multiple investors to secure the full amount needed for their business.


Instrument 2: Debt Financing

Debt financing for startups involves borrowing money from a lender with the agreement to repay the loan plus interest over a set timeframe. Startups usually have to pledge some form of collateral, such as property or equipment, to secure the loan. Unlike equity financing, debt financing does not involve giving up a portion of ownership in exchange for capital. It provides immediate access to capital, and the interest payments may be tax-deductible.


  • Immediate access to capital

  • Interest payments may be tax-deductible

  • No dilution of ownership


Instrument 3: Convertible Note

A convertible note is a type of debt financing that startups can use to raise money. It is an agreement between the company and the investor to convert the note into equity at a future date. The company receives cash now, and in return, they will give the investor shares of stock at a future date. If the company is successful, the investor will get their money back and make a profit on their investment. The terms of a convertible note are relatively short and easy to interpret, making the financing process easier for early-stage startups. Convertible notes are an excellent way for startups and investors alike to start what could be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.


  • Low risk and efficiency: Convertible note terms do not technically sell actual share ownership, making it a loan in practical terms, and avoiding the risk of incorrect company valuation and tax implications.

  • Pre-valuation investment: Convertible note issuance is usually the first external funding sought, making it a good option for startups in the initial stages.

  • Simple terms: The terms of a convertible note are relatively short and easy to interpret, making the financing process easier for early-stage startups.

  • No need for company valuation: Convertible notes do not require the startup to be valued, which is beneficial at an early stage.

  • Additional benefits: Convertible notes can come with rewards for early investment, such as interest, a discount rate, or a valuation cap.


Instrument 4: SAFE Note

A SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) note is a type of instrument used by startups to raise seed capital. It is a simple and fast financing instrument that does not involve the pressure of interest payments, maturity dates, or valuation caps. SAFE notes are similar to convertible notes but are considered more founder-friendly, offering a streamlined and simplified process for raising capital. They are designed to be equity on the balance sheet until conversion and are typically used in early-stage financing, especially for companies that have little financial data or a solid valuation. SAFE notes are a flexible and founder-friendly financing tool, offering a more streamlined and simplified process for early-stage startups to raise capital.


  • Simplicity and cost-effectiveness

  • No debt obligation or interest

  • Alignment of investor and startup goals

  • No immediate dilution of the founder's ownership

  • Flexibility in future equity conversion


Instrument 5: KISS Note

A KISS (Keep It Simple Security) note is a type of convertible security designed to simplify the seed funding process for startups. It was created by 500 Startups in 2014 to standardize the seed funding process and make it more straightforward. KISS Notes are a form of convertible security that converts into equity at a trigger event. They do not require any valuation before issuing shares and are considered more flexible when a startup has different types of investors. KISS Notes are designed to be a founder-friendly and streamlined method of raising capital, offering simplicity and flexibility for both startups and investors.


  • Simplifies the seed funding process

  • Provides 'open-source' templates for investors to invest in early-stage companies

  • Eliminates the need to negotiate terms with investors or pay hefty fees to attorneys

  • Identical and standardized series that sound appealing to investors

  • Provides a platform for investors to choose the startups to invest their finances


Instrument 6: Grants and Subsidies

Grants and subsidies are forms of financial assistance provided to startups by the government or other organizations. Grants are usually publicly funded schemes awarded to businesses by the government or a charitable organization, and they come with certain conditions attached. They do not need to be repaid, making them an attractive option for startups. Subsidies, on the other hand, are financial assistance provided by the government to businesses to help them reduce their costs. They can be in the form of tax credits, reduced interest rates, or other forms of financial assistance.


  • Free money that does not need to be repaid

  • Accessible information about the conditions and deadlines

  • Can provide a significant amount of funding, depending on the company's idea or investment purpose

  • Can encourage the development of areas of the business that may not have been considered

  • Can make businesses more efficient, and environmentally friendly, and explore new business angles


Instrument 7: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Token Sales

ICO (Initial Coin Offering) and token sales are fundraising methods used by startups to raise capital. ICOs involve the creation and sale of a startup's tokens in exchange for established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Token sales, on the other hand, involve the sale of digital tokens in exchange for cryptocurrency, which can be used to purchase goods or services from the startup or traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. It is important for startups to thoroughly research and comply with applicable legal and investor protection regulations before conducting an ICO or token sale.


  • Quick and easy access to capital

  • No need for regulatory approval

  • Ability to reach a global pool of investors without intermediaries or expensive legal fees

  • No dilution of ownership or control for founders

  • Potential for liquidity and profits for early investors

  • Borderless and low-cost


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