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Finding Product-market fit

The time it takes to find product-market fit varies for every product. In B2B it normally takes two years to start feeling PMF. Here are the 5 fundamentals required for PMF.

  1. Get one company to love your product

  2. Get one company to pay for your product

  3. Get more than one company to love and pay for your product

  4. Start noticing a shift from push to pull, and organic growth

  5. Keep growing consistently

1. Spotify: Music for Everyone

Daniel Ek, the CEO of Spotify, observed that many of the essential elements for achieving product-market fit were already in place when Napster, the music-sharing platform, collapsed in 2001 due to copyright infringement allegations. The music content was readily available, mobile devices were poised to distribute music, and Napster had already gathered a substantial user base. Ek had faith in the idea that this user base would be willing to pay a modest fee for a platform that offered legal access to music.

Over time, as technology advanced, Spotify refined its web content crawlers and incorporated natural language processing technology. Consequently, Spotify's popularity experienced exponential growth among young consumers. By 2022, Spotify had amassed 182 million paid subscribers, illustrating the success that comes from recognizing a market demand and investing in a valuable product.

2. Uber: The Free Ride

Uber achieved product-market fit by initially providing complimentary rides during regional tech events in San Francisco. The co-founders of Uber identified the high costs and outdated nature of the taxi system, which had limited usage. As the Uber app gained popularity, the company introduced a 50% discount for first-time users.

Experts highlight Uber's knack for addressing a problem and generating demand concurrently. While consumers weren't actively seeking improved taxi service, they embraced the idea once a more convenient and user-friendly alternative became available. This led to the network effect, with users sharing their experiences on social media, serving as social proof for the startup.

To date, Uber has about 93 million riders, and the company recorded 4.98 billion rides in 2020 alone.

In many instances, achieving product-market fit isn't an immediate success. It often involves multiple iterations of testing and refining your product or service to discover the ideal blend of value proposition, target audience, and distribution strategy. It's crucial to consistently experiment with input from your audience, adapt your concept when data suggests it's necessary, and be ready to pivot if required.

Find the Right Fit for Your Product

When you achieve product-market fit, your job will become much easier because your customers and other interested parties will become a significant part of your marketing effort. They might even share their own stories with others so you can focus on the work of creating the same great experience for everyone who interacts with your company.


*The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter.


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